A special lecturer entitled ” Temple Management in Modern Myanmar” was given by Dr.Jagaralankara at UGP on 27th Feb 2020.
3 Weeks Special Lecture ********************* Most Venerable Silittha from London,uk has been giving special lecture on ” A Critical Approach to Dependent Origination” from Feb…
UA Final Exam ************ Final Exam of UA (Mdy Branch) maintained by Venerable Dr Jotika was held at the Main Hall, University of Global Peace…
In honour of 61st Birthday Celebration of Venerable Dr Jotika, a Rector of UGP, the auspicious ceremonies were held thus; A Special Talk by Saya…
MERP Placement Test at UGP 19.01.2020 (Sun) 13:00 Today the placement test was held by the Myanmar Extensive Reading Programme (MERP) at University of Global…
A special talk on the Mindfulness Meditation Techniques emphasized Mahasatipatthana Sutta was lectured in English Medium by a Rector of UGP, Venerable Dr Jotika.
Special Talk Title: Research Methodology Speaker: Dr. Yojana Charandas Bhagat, Mumbai University, India Venue: University of Global Peace, Myanmar Date: 3th Oct, 2019 (Thursday)
Title: “Buddhist Leadership: Contemporary Buddhism in Myanmar and Its Possibilities in Future” Speaker: Dhammaduta Dr. Ashin Jagaralankara M.A (Delhi), M.Phil & Ph.D (GBU, Delhi) Dhammaduta…
Working Committee Conference Of Association of Myanmar Buddhist Universities, Colleges and Academies Date- Friday, July 06,2019 Location- University of Global Peace, Mandalay, Myanmar Participants…